Statehood meets Statecraft

Despotionalism would be the pre-emptive term in modern politics if the Mafia State was defeat-able, and freedom from corrupt reprisal assured. As standing within International Relations, nooks and crannies exist whereby leaders may assure such anyway, and this in fact is the very definition of despotionalism. If in example I am privy to this or that cause, I am psychologically conducive to these means, and will exercise any so determination to ensure any number of factors self-determined without verified accountability, but only assumed responsibility.  I have then the so called room to move, and headspace with thought trains to scheme over. As despots confer, a regard of absolute power will potentially linger with the right calibration, hidden in the recesses of administrative policy.
As is state craft ensures a international stability is retained from the problematic ecomomic conditions of Neoliberalism. It’s that sovereignty of the individual is the perfected ideal in this schematic variety between liberal terminology as idealism and realism; that its passionately administered to generation after generation. A utopian impossibility though in neoliberal international exchange systems with fixed and transient currency exchange rates. Of course the international liberalists autonomous complexity permits certain extentive room as mentioned for individual utopia or communal even at least for a short while under statehood. In what individuals position within for power relationships, where careers are set from forging education and complexity ridden dating and courtship rituals (to cultural territory disputes); is the militarism orientation, the dominance act to recessive deed.


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