Mardigras & mentally ill

Truth be told, Homosexuality, and its variety of substituents modes is a vast array of mental illness. The so called bi-polar, schizophrenia, ADHD, etc, these are merely vanity conditions, nice enough labels, because the wearers can go onto permanent disability support with a frequent nod of approval to certified institutions (in comparison). Aside from essentially buying complacency, the governmental institutions assure the integrity of its order with a compliant citizenry. This isn't wholly evil, it's a viable alternative to anarchy actually, one easily controlled with moderate attention, and semi-available labour force. The Mardigras presents a slightly more devious complication to morality however, in promoting business and tourism for Sydney locally, the 'Gay' & 'Lesbian' along with the fully absolved Transgender have a playground within the norms, a Wonderland per say. Without peace of mind to inter this problem, I'll finish this prematurely by saying I've been harassed, abused, & physically attacked by Transgender for NOT complying with their demands. Likewise been wrongly labelled Gay countless times in abusive deeming ways by even my closest family members. Since the universal appropriation of form engenders neutral state, 'if its Good for you, it's ok', but it's ok only for you and those 'creating' you 'locally'. That means gayness cannot pass the threshold in the next locality, and never ever stabilise in reciprocal form (nationally, internationally, globally, galactically, etc). Even if two men can make a fertile egg from their skin as the news relayed frequently this week, even when gayness can replicate normality, its still defunct by nature.
Addendum: what this quasi political organisation's responsible for is the failure of common decency, the propigation of taboo, the curruption of moral value, and stagnation of good intent. Manifestly hidden they lurk and marr that what defies their reward scheme of carnal delights, and eradicate those contrary believers similiarly as Hitlers Nazi did for the jewish. The Jews who mind you were responsible enough like myself to bring attention to the rampant cesspools for admonishment in the public eye.
edit:31/03/15 - When being raised by bullies chasing, bashing, and incessantly abusing you, take it as a blessing in disguise. Though except for this; when they are knocking you out from behind, and kicking your head while your unconscious, for those so who did & are so ashamed they can never apologise, let alone face the light again without a secret cringe, let them go on their way forever in shame, as those will who did this very thing to me.


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