Lessons of antiquity

The provocative idea of an ancient and superior race is considered with absolute scepticism by mainstream science, media, and academia. The other side of this coin is the widescale embrace of alien civilisation, a superior race, hybrids, ufo’s and conspiracy. The reason this is a coin, by analogy is that literally, both of these parties at opposition, make their lifestyle, income and solicit profit in general be it perks, or raw experiences worldwide; through exploitation of their root and base assumptions.  

The raw and utter fact is;
·        Considerable megalithic structures indicate seemingly impossible feats were achieved by builders/masons past.

The attention to this fact is where things are awry. So let’s explore the divide hereby of the liberal and conservative vanguards. 

A conservative scientific vanguard will contest any possibility without firm and precise evidence. The sort of evidence that is which takes numerous often painstaking hours/days/weeks/months and years to collect, and in analysis with accurate specifications of properties of matter, according temporal jurisdictions and with all such precise formulation; verify the integrity of any central idea and principle of historical fact. This is the boon of the modern technocratic intelligentsia, based on rational and determined judgement. Academia is born of the discipline required to maintain such jurisprudence. The alternative is a visionary, and interjecting challenge to authority, seeking to permeate the rational possibilities and with radical proposals which may lead to remarkable discovery on their own, and can be for any case and point a veritable boon of the dystopian mindset. As if begot in the mundane realities of archaeology, anthropology and the bloody mysteries of history past, the conspiracist will though often in incredulity undermine any established idea and deploy cunning practices to usurp natural conclusions. Such a rarefied art can lead to great excitement and benefits for the individual, and history is in fact littered with the liberalistion of such longings, the spawns of discontent seeking escape from the dogmatic entrenchments of established orthodoxy. Though and not to heave calamity on the unweary, such grandiose vestures into an intellectual elite also produces arts, design, theatre and numerous pleasures of the mainstream. It is hence a match made in heaven, as the conservative and liberal vanguards spring forth on their completionist conundrum, both fearing reprisal of the criminally insane, and on guard against their fellow enthusiasts, those theoreticians aiming for the glory of popularism. 

The awry-ness of science, naturalism, society and our humanity is of course the question and topic hereby. Thus, where is progress hindered, and how is it impinged? What exactly is progress concerning here? Is it the revelations of mankind before the supernatural, and a prophet as religions maintain? The revealing of a good and better way of living and doing things? What does that exactly confer? Is it; pollution-free lifestyles, synchronous behaviour, truth and justice? There isn’t one outcome here but many of the technological vanguards meeting with the sociological vanguards, who in turn meet with the psychological vanguard… you see the point. Were many points actually connected like stars into a constellation we might see the bigger picture as it were. Instead as said of humanity in the bible, we are doomed in our ways, cursed with multiple languages, unable to find any coherent meaning as a species, by acting in unison. Such a struggle ongoing with the effects of supernaturalism, divvyed off the realities of cause and effect can only envelop us as individual’s one way or another, and hence we cluster into families, communities, and groups, sharing our like-minds, the principles of good reasoning and standards in behaviour, hoping only of course that when the time comes to seize what’s ours, we’ll have an adequate disposition, with the right grace and fortitude.


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