Disparities of the lingua franca; brokering the new sexual paradigm

Recent studies have brought a unique perspective of the socialist systems integrated into education. As everyone is familiar with feminism firstly, it's scattered around the world, resembling anarchy, but holding in esteem the values anarchy doesn't (what doesn't resemble anarchy actually:(). Valuing the rights of women as a notoriously underprivileged 'class' has been somewhat invigorating in a sexual renaissance, and stands as a critical issue in a time that the historical lingua franca of Hebrew has been proclaimed an official state language of the Jewish Nation-State (and second-class is the hot topic in the media). My case herein will be that the socialism concerning classes isn't justified, that there are natural classes, which are innate, and there is no point rebelling against them, as they're written in genetic code (not some language). More so the discussion is central to English as the new 'lingua franca', that is a bridging language for world affairs and based upon individual communication, where each and every culture can learn English, as it's fairly easy compared to Chinese for example, and is in-use after centuries of colonialism.

On the topic of education of course, and this isn't a modernist perspective at all, but new online cultures have become the primary 'class' in socialism. Where online and digital gaming is now the dominant entertainment industry, we must turn our attentions to the decadent, racially loaded, sexual inspired class war, from male and female to the online/inclass dichotomy where the new holy ghost is your class-mate at-home, listening-in, unaddressed and - advising reader discretion -  probably playing an online game or masturbating to a cam-model at the same time... your guess is as good as mine. In actual fact as the computing and internet mediums advance rapidly, what forms individual communication is evermore differentiated but still perplexed by the gender war. Today emojee-use and application of emotion with emogee's is the pinnacle of widespread inter-cultural devising, but soon we will have cybernetic-means, and untested social processes are being integrated, where on the aforementioned 'xpcams', likewise 'myfreecams' to name a few; direct stimulus is being used to communicate across space instantaneously irrespective of physical presence. What has classically been reserved as the domain of ghosts, has been brokered already! You have to pay to have the facilitator trigger electric impulses via a temporary implantation into the vagina and as applied to replicate sexual intercourse (and by the strictest sense is a sexual intercourse). Though the safer means, and potentially toward an officiated impregnation process, despite widespread ignorance (where no you can't transfer sexual devises between a vagina and an anus) the medical phenomenon's apparent where tandem cross-use of this devise by women happens in the rectum. This is means for males actually to have fulfilling homosexual relations in stimulus of the male g-spot which is within the wall of the anus, but used by women to receive the electrical stimulus (often referred to as torture) therein (the intensity is relative to the amount paid by the voyeur), doesn't concur where a greater understanding of sexual pleasure is fact overdue.

I've not addressed the physical phenomenon of orgasm directly, and unmarried I've no children, nor anyone to engage with sexually at the present time, and I don't consider this badly though aspire to marry a female and bear children as normally expected of young men. With expert experience in this abstractly discussed 'basic' socialism however, I can still confer that sexual fulfillment doesn't require another person, nor in fact excretion of fluids, artificial electrical stimulus or role-playing of any design (though these may trigger a simple state of orgasm), in my experiences and with whom I've engaged sexually and had discussion with. In my experience, in fact, the spiritual nature is also tandem to the electro-magnetic sphere, by which your physical state has a relative harmony thereby. In attaining pleasure as concerned in sexual relations, we may and as my literature Pentacoast confers, accept the ideal model of sexuality in procreation. This of course is a concern for the scientific vanguard where studying something, means detachment in over-viewing it, for the purposes of wider collaborative application, and unfortunately against the immediate natural course or state of object-perciever which is engagement, participation and even fulfillment (if not appropriation). Often science is hence the 'badguy' in it's likelihood of destroying what it studies to 'see' the pieces 'of', and understand function for innovation. We can assume thus the scientific mentality 'divorces' the natural appropriation of organisms, which as so may pertain to orgasm relative to procreation (as the natural reward for living the good life).

To wrap up, perhaps pre-maturely, my newest postgraduate studies have iterated one thing, the paradigm of gender is the means to stabilize and integrate education between current, past and future generations within the classical institutional settings (in-class). Also the values in dichotomies are very underscored, often for the benefit of participatory 'classes'. Let's reconsider in 2D how biological functions pertain as process theory:


  1. What a mix of things! At the end, my brain holds the following....socialism, classes, electric stimulation, orgasm, and education.... too much for such a short passage...the hypotheses in this summary necesitate a need for the authir to build a visual diagram of correlations he suggested to make his readers follow his logic better :)


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