Brittania: conjecture and myth, a pre-historical foundation

The Great Brittania blog was reduced to account for strictly proven historical accounts, or otherwise widely agreed or factually based. The following contents is re-posted as pertaining to conjecture on the narratives and history there previously included prior to publication of the collection as an independent book. The following accounts for possibilities concerning particularly the Biblical flood, Egyptian history and influence concerning the Exodus. Furthermore, conjecture pertaining to technological, political and scientific motivations and advancement, in context of modern political conditions.

Greco-Egyptian Antiquity: pre-history

Alexander the Great was the student of Aristotle, and he the student of Plato. Plato had studied abroad in Egypt, learning the secret knowledge of the Atlanteans, that which was fundamental to the Eleusinian Mystery Schools (Greek: Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια) who performed services and initiations annually in honor of Demeter and Persephone (rites were performed under extreme influence of psycho-actives, and occurred throughout the night typically).
Alternative to the tradition which the pharaohs had in kind and what was traditionally Atlantean, regards specifics of the kingships and the origins of technologically established civilisation within Mesopotamia, in trade based political internationalism. This has further origins in the diluvium tradition, which occurred between 11500-9000BCE, by the migration of homo sapiens at this time which is consistent to the recovery of significant lost lands, given to the rising tidal waters on result of a meteoric impact within the ice cap of Greenlands region. The primary difference which was to be retained within this epoch C. 9000BCE-4000BCE would be of the traditions alternative in civilisation to the fishing society and the land hunter society and a mark thereby in the Great Pyramid of Giza.
The abundance of food within the ocean meant that people would always find abundance, however for the difficulty often of obtaining live seafood and fish. Contrarily, the land hunters would succeed more readily throughout history, to kill wildebeasts, though both had difficulties no doubt, and probably neither cross-conferred nor integrated any more than occasional trade of their supple goods. With dangerous lifeforms in both sea and on land, the likelihood of specialisation caused significant cultural distinction, and was surely a parallel cause of the distinction between White and Black skinned homo Sapiens (Black to land and White to Sea). Not until the stability of agriculture would these cultures medium significantly shape the societal trends, based in the middle-east, being middle ground of the cultural distinctions of Eastern Asian, Western Caucasian, and Southern African.
In solidification of culture and stability of regional concentration and nationality, the tandem cultural divide of red inter-medium skin homo sapiens regards a globally dominant society. The availability and control of stabile crops which were successfully bred by 4000BCE, indicate a preference by these people for secure and stabile singular habit lifestyles, contrary to nomadic lifestyles which followed herds to hunt. With a variety of crops unique to Mesopotamia, such as Chick Peas, and across the Atlantic where Corn was likewise established as the stabile crop by this time, the change from lifestyle was similar in establishment of a stabile gene pool, a middle-race culture distinct to the black and white extreme
The Greeks, Persian, Egyptians, and large portions of Africa, Europe and all of Asia and America contains variety of cultural distinguishments, and the difference of cultural quality was certainly an extreme factor in historical habit. Alternative orientations between Fishing, Hunting and Farming were integral to the anthropological divide, but the adoption of the military code, was what truly set apart the medium societies from the farming settlers and fishermen. Modern Europe is said and renowned in attribution to an early branch of Asians who intermixed with the Romans. Consequently migrating to the west of Europe to settle in the Dutch river tribune by an available source of fish, their practices inspired surely within the surrounding Germanic hunter-based society. These Merovingians were said to have dominated the region, and have established the thousand years long dynasty of Kings and Queens, later ending with Elizabeth I.

Surviving sources from Egypt and the remnants recovered in archaeological excavation have detailed the belief-structure of the society which was concentrated at the hub of migration into and out of Africa and into Europe or Asia. In the region also across the red Sea and modern day Israel and the old lands of Canaan, were harbored prehistoric species, those extinct by the time of the Deluvian event largely, who were given away to homo Sapiens by one way or another. It’s known that the oriental Israel society was established among cave dwellings 300,000 years ago, a fact also confirmed in Australian aboriginal sites. The difference of course to modern original Australians, was that they never bred sub-species of plants, and were maintained within the Asian-African subracial distinctions without Caucasian influences. An influence being purely recessive which is prone to the technological establishment of intervention practices, set for the purposes of sustainability and propagation of traits, features, and trends; a activity also abundant in such behavior as is applied into commercial enterprise and politics.
The deliberate forging of technology seems to have only substantiations in certain societies, at certain times and why setups in political establishments as conference-oriented decision-making and consensus agreements are made over time is local or regionally distinct at most. The differentiation of traits and the emergence of species across the last 300,000 years, were cause for the radical changes in new technological innovations, largely and likely established for tribute purposes. Aside from the possibility that new and exclusive members of society were exchanged into alternative concentrations in order to propagate their traits, the migration trends between the three continents show that the pre-diluvium society was stabile in mid-division between White and Black homo sapiens, a distinction occurring between thus 300,000 and 10,000BCE by nomadic tribesman crossing the globe. 
The pre-diluvium homo sapiens were known to build some fantastic architectural constructions as well. Pyramids shown worldwide and mostly underwater structures of India, and the Mediterranean indicate that the resilience and determination to traverse the entire world, to trade and exchange in culture wasn’t lost in the deluge. In fact, it’s said in earliest Mesopotamian records that the sky peoples came down, likely Arians determined to breed with the aboriginals of those lands. In fact the differentiation of society, in sustaining practices, by cultural identification, language and habits, was so pronounced in Egypt that in this hub of migration the belief systems had started to orientate to the after-life, having such abundance within this life.
The difference between the successful migrants, traders, refugees and royalty would of course come to be defined by not which orientation of source was maintained for food, rather in the capacity for securely obtaining of abundance particularly of treasures in wider wealth, such as the metals, or precious stones, furs, and relics. Gold with its nice color was favored and the forging of metalcraft for successful hunting, and ultimately security branched into the art of jewelry and fashion. It was in the attainment of cotton, and clothing that this trend had commenced, and the origins of the best life, was in possession and exchange of beautiful treasures, and the sanctity of owning one’s own possessions was distinguished against animal society. Securing favor from others, security within your own, and good presence and habit in your life, meant the peoples of Egypt for one inherited more from pre-diluvium society than commonly accepted.
Taking to the idea that possessions of key items was as crucial to their after-life as it was in their Royal life, was likely the cause of salvation from a complexity ridden society, over burden by the glories and spoils of both luxury and abundance, and just as likely war. Having accumulated so much of the good things the abundant wealth leaders were left with no way to distribute it fairly within the next generation, nor justify their habit before poor and commoners alike in need (with nothing). Having secured this ironically within the lands which by this time were becoming largely arid, wasted dunes, in which no life could even have possibility for survival; the time that the Sahara was a rich savanna was seemingly the dream of the now near dying - as soon as living. Keeping their possessions was the answer, into death, and their technology would corroborate the fact that life and the after-life weren’t so different, as similarly as the homo-sapiens far and wide were now so much as far to identical, as the times of homo Erectus, and Neanderthals were to the day.

It came naturally that the Egyptian scientists, those ascended from the Atlanteans, having settled up the Nile at the safest distance of Cairo, and having built the pyramids where their ancestors built, then altered the Sphinx; that they began to manufacture the most sought metal themselves, rather than seek to obtain, and trade it. Having been reduced from the abundance of the likely wealthiest region on the planet, the remaining society rich in knowledge and capacity, used the microbial concentrations to build Gold itself from the very atomic substructures, in bacteria which in the right conditions would poop out the molecules of gold forming clusters. Putting it to the test furthermore they had discovered the remarkable field of Mufkut, which regarded their after-life as far as the stars did to travelers by night. As a ‘place’ beyond the present dimensions they proved that what is, here, and now, isn’t all there is, and that when something dies, its absence is akin to the travel into after-life. This belief held sure in the international trade-based society, one where peoples coming and going, and loved ones leaving to never return required a common tolerance for death not readily acceptable by common folks.
The refinement of Gold itself led to its remarkable discovery, having seen that the mono-atomic elemental variety as a powder possessed concentration presence in the realms beyond the planes of physical matter. The sub-concentrated structures of the religious orders in combination with the scientific disciples ensured that the pharaohs in having so much to trade and further cultural richness to maintain the dynasties; were now dependent thoroughly on this trade to sustain their social sub-classes. So thus, the pharaohs institutes, based far and wide from the capital were making Gold most likely, in secret, from back before the deluge, and practicing their religious foundational meditations within concentration to security of the after-life. It was the little-known fact which would shape history no doubt as the aristocracy learnt to depend on the science of manufacturing in Gold production at a time of history that no others in the world maintained anything similar, apart from only similarly inclined pockets in India or Japan. The reason it was so integral to society until the 21st Century was that the first metallurgy which was conducted, is also that which formed the first Iron, and eventually Steel, and gave full capacity for domination over other societies. Egyptian royalty would have resided in total commitment and subservience to this fact, but the technology for Iron and superior weaponry production was realised and by 1200BCE the method of production became commonplace in Europe. The distribution of the superior process of metallurgy which was secret to the dynastic tradition of Egypt, is encoded in the bible in the story of the Exodus, where the Jews in fact according to hermeneutic interpretation were accountable for the final departure from the Egyptian institute, in return to their traditional homelands of Canaan (a Jew having secretly obtained rank within the Egyptian royalty and knowledge of their secrets).
The long history of Matriarchal lines, where the Queens freely eloped with Kings and Kins, by which the dynasties transitioned for thousands of years; would end at the blade of the Roman General Octavian. Long after the time that the consigned descent in inter-bred abnormality, seizure of secret technology, land rights, and trading dynasty, were encoded in scriptures for an intelligent future, was a time by which military command was to rule. Under the power of superior technology, human will traditional to slavery would determine that certain individuals would seek and be enabled to fully dominate and control large populations of common farmers, fishermen and herdsmen. The trend which Plato was privy to discover and teach his disciple Aristotle was that the Greeks had the right to gain total control over the subservient races of the east. The period of Hellenization would follow, by which the commoner would live the life of the king, in reciprocal rebellion evident in the vilification of Africa’s most superior beast, shown in monument for future generation and altered permanently in favor of dynastic loyal allegiance. The kind of difference between choice in mateship between one class and another, between one male or another by a Queen, and in favor for cultural distinguishment as blacker or whiter, and as likely to succeed or more likely to fail. It was an inadvertantly gained understanding, garnered via intercultural association with the Khememu there required to divert via upper Egypt after sea level rise, where before the red sea was low and the Saudi peninsula bridged the horn of Africa.
Contrary to Egyptian traditions of trade and science, which would consume their peaceful dynastic traditions of marriage and service, was the knowledge of alchemical practice which was subsumed in favor for traditional mining by the Greeks and then Romans. Perhaps due to the delicate alchemical process, or that most literatures were destroyed in the firey destruction of the library of Alexandria, but the impact of globalisation was beginning to become of issue, that having been affirmed by the Hellenization. Where newly acquiesced land made available mining opportunity never previously available, the delicate sciences were obsolete themselves, in fashionable senses, lending concentration to strictly military based processes in weapons manufacture and design. An entire processes no doubt further ushered by another catastrophic flood, totalling the rich Mesopotamian farming lands with a thick clay deposit.

Foreign society, which had changed by military code would now forge empires like the Franca, and the British, or the Chinese and assuredly in combination specifically to despise the recessive nature of cultural exchange. Starting in the East with the Merovingian, an emergence of the Eastern dragon culture with its tight eyed and black hair, thick rounded brow Asian people; with the new ‘Western’ dominion, affirmed in Caesars conquer of Gaul, concerned the dissemination of military enticement and unto the fringe white/blonde Germanic peoples, traditionally by the promise of raw riches in the hunter’s renaissance; classically Viking. Rather than leaving matters of difference to be decided in conflict, dependence or ignorance over physical traits would also ironically in secret determine the successive outcomes of dominations, as a fashionable attitude control, and shaping of character (Hellenisation), in a race completely white and prone to manipulation over their pursuasion.
The availability of the Caucasian races in Europe set the determinations of fashion to such a limit that the technological tributes forthcoming would excel, against standards right across the globe. Having blue eyes would prove to Hitlers Nazi party a pro-force, and being of Jewish origin a negativity, to the mark of 6 million executions on mass. So much was privy to the decision of a woman in her choice for mate that genetic dispositions were as important to the leaders of nations and outcomes of the wars in tradition and tribute back to the age old Egyptian distinctions to the Khememu and debt dues. However, for the availability of garnishing whiteness within the medium culture, the blackest races were possibly forged, their genetics were stable in dominance, and these people were the ones to be subsumed in the enslavement processes of colonisation of the ‘new-world’ of America. Determined to control the peoples will for freedom, and the good life, King James I issued the decrees for slavery, and the white European set out specifically to capture the black races for bondage.

As the cultural trait phenomenon in the modern world became taboo, following the Holocaust, the need and concentration of wealth required an alternative empowerment for the bourgeois to monopolize in their most fringe common orientation; it was granted through behavioural control thus, as the next tier, resting on subversion of the trait distinguishment processes at large, but not in a Hellenization as strictly based on Greek domination to the middle-east, rather Westernisation. With social groups acting on a unity basis, universally, the challenges in gaining wealth, securing proper generational difference, and social cohesion; power was on ones personal behavior and the Egyptian orientation toward the after-life was again integrally manifest, but by the subsumed Americanisation in the canonised literal biblical interpretations of classical Judaism as secular Christian terror motivation. Class differentiation was so complex in fact including nationality that the integration of prejudices intertwined intricately within the commercial business practices, into the residential share house market particularly, and was deemed neutral in the explosive acknowledgment in fringe art-form, like pop-concerts, or avant-garde. The model of ones behavior was deemed a tradeable commodity in fact, to the regression of cultural influence in the medias concentration on political leaders and the value of their character before the people and particularly to their parties. Orientated around the time-space divide, engendering direct threats against one life, in favor of subservient control and domination, the cultural westernisation began to succumb to that same disintegration which consumed the secret Egyptian institutions fashion sense of spirit.
On the origin of the modern cultural phenomenon in the 21st Century, where its solution lies in the current Eurozone crises, is still Plato’s forms. His teaching which relayed difference of the one to the many, of a singular mode, in genres of modalities. The exact cultural phenomena used in class systematic abuse for capitalist gain is the theory of the Cave, an incalcitrant military code based on subservience of the ignorant. Since Plato was a student in the gnostic schools of Egypt, his practices and belief stemmed from the Atlantan period, and in his work Timeaus he refers to the lost ‘island’ of Atlantis, which has been interpreted as a singular specific island. His doctrine thus is specific to the making up for the historical inadequacies and his teachings and that of Aristotle thus regard the assumption of indoctrinated need for military domination. In fact relating to the absconded land of Atlantis in sea rise, and the new divide of territories, his referral is to countless shadows of islands, and namely the dominant England which was now most secure in Europe, but prior was part of the mainland, and the hub of the Arthurian dynasty, who had trading links with Israel, and in certain passage through the territories of Greece, and Egypt.

Returning back to the trade based inter-society is the distinction critical to just the South African society with Egypt, and this is what sets Egyptians apart, and in what the Greeks, such as Plato gained so well in knowledge through residence in Cairo. The distinctive cultural influence of the Khememu, from the sub-Saharan region, who were the wealthiest and most beautiful of the black race, is shown in todays Sphinx. Originally built as a lion, the monument was attributable to the beasts no longer present in Europe, but still abundant in Africa. Having integral society within the domain of the lions and tigers, meant that the society required a certain disposition for survival, one neglected in laziness and typical to trade flourished societies, and the over-wealthy (fat). With fit and agile lion surviving Khememu migrating on the trade route through Egypt, the middle cultural influence was highest, and the kingship traditions would have been completely determined by their presence. Just as the Lion monuments face was carved later with the face of the pharaoh so was the alteration of the dynasty forged in trading relations with the Khememu and in tribute, to the rulers of the Egyptian territory, and to the fathers of the nation of Egypt.
The influence of such prioritised breeding traditions typical to the matriarchal Egyptian rulers, set deep influence in the relations with the neighbors of Egypt in antiquity, and became fundamental in the transition of Judaism from one generation to the next. In Platos studies in Egypt, the influence imparted to him was that ingrained within the psyche of the common Egyptian, that essential to their peaceful co-relations in inter-cultural communion. The fundamental still being the orientation and availability of food for consumption, and for the commonality of it, accorded by the poor. The ‘basis of wealth’ was complete to international relations, becoming the crux of debate in post-Nazi Germany but from England in the Communist Manifesto. Harking back to the mere availability of the staples of diet, which were distinctly, bread, wine, and fish in Egypt, where meat was far more exclusive and particular to the wealthy; is the luxury demanded and that secularised ideology common to the modern religions in either sacredness of food, requirements to not eat at all in tribute to the poor, or the encoded privy warlike creed to spill blood, but conferred in basis to seized opportunity to drink wine. In the origins of great cultural and inter-cultural exchange; abundance led to, or averted conflict in the most fundamental integrity, in security and prosperity of the individual. Plato having established himself successfully was the original Greek leader of inter-national relations, and instructor of military ethics based on the alternative traditional influence in Egyptian politics. As counter to the trend against the common people, his fundamental integrity was esteemed in relations between Egyptian and Greek society, as contrary to the dominant genetic dispositions of the black African, and within the stabile middle-racial cultural mix, to the white northerners of Europe.


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