Pedophilia, the historical case in Asia

Regarding the East Asian crisis as I see it, after several years travelling Asia, including a visit to South China, and Tibet (I went a back route out from the regional Lhasa to cross into Nepal - a prohibited route at the time); and I apologise for offending with my comments on pedophilia on twitter recently. I have gone into detail on previous blogs, on my opinions on the Chinese State, as well as studied the issues at the academic level. To elaborate however I must address the social issue concerning the decrepitations associated in child sex, a prevailing tourist speciality in SE Asia, among many other poorer states. 
The psychological duresses evident in pedophilia, I contend, is a normal associable condition, however as the pedophile will surrender to the impulse, urge or passion for sex when directed to children, the adult community normally reject this. The subliminal undertaking cannot be seriously differentiated of course. I mean to say the pedophile isn’t a sub-class and overtly mutated, as often described, rather an immoral or corrupted state of which normally persons resist. So why are they in the state of mind? We will explore this… but the idea of child sex is of course obscene to regular persons, and the legal age is 14 at a minimum in many European states, whereby the body has fully proceeded through puberty. Pre-Pubescent sexual conduct with an adult, is also illegal, and the psychological standard not understood often, in fact, the very condition is indicative of wider social dis-establishment and the topic of this blog. 
I’ve not pursued evidence to correlate this theory, but I imagine historically the percent of child-sex offenders to be much greater today. An increasing trend hence is due to similarly aggressive social disintegration. Let’s look at the historical evidence. In Latin America and SE Asia (perhaps the middle-east, and Africa as well I’m unsure) the political (religious) situation which is causing pedophilia is understated. There is no serious inter-state efforts to curb the trend either and a dogmatic appraisal of the socialist mechanism pervades. So in depth, in Asia, we have seen since WW2 as the Japanese attack on China, and invasion, for which an open call for help was received by America. Launching economic action against Japan, and coming to the aid of the Chinese, the European War became a world war literally (however dramatised the first world war was, being isolated to Europe). The first real world war, was won by USA after the Herculean effort on two side of the world, with the allied forces immediate assistance. Russia also played a vital role in annihilating Hitler’s Nazi’s, yet the relations were disinterred over moral standards, in what it took for Russia to win (the seizure of all food supplies, hence murder of the Ukrainian farming communities and thus claim to foreign land). This similar trend would however be adopted by China, witnessing the remarkable rapid industrial revolution in Russia, China emulated the communist force, embarking on their own radical seizures, and to this day forces the world to admonish the communist authority in persecution of the religious ideology of the Tibetan autonomous region (with their claim on Tibetan autonomous regions). The overstated phrase is ‘impeding sovereignty’, whereby those who inherited power in China following the rape and destruction of the Chinese people by Japan, were a far more savage elite, potentially (though unproven) the very off-spring of the Japanese invaders. Looking back to the motives and resolution of WW2, whence USA disrupted Japanese expansion, the ideal claim by Japan on China was no longer achievable, and so a sub-military regime naturally formed, unfortunately inevitably aiming to usurp the West. In claiming the most critical theory from the West, in Marxism, China would double back on the West who they had asked to help, essentially betraying the allies in favour of a new ‘anti-humiliation’ power. 
There is much more to this story of course, and why only the basics are taught by educational institutes, where the ingrained religious ideal was persecuted by the new-Asia. Looking at pure theory, philosophical reckoning suggests that to be the saviour of the Chinese by WW2, after already prolonged invasion and mass-murder (the Japanese attempted to murder all the Chinese people), the object of concern is not the survival of a new-asian sub-military regime (having survived the persecution), rather the reason for the persecution originally. I will contend that the Christian/Catholic ideology came to embody the same reason and motivation for this ‘cultural civil war’. If the new east asian elite blamed the West, as they took up arms to fight USA under the Communist ideology (by Mao, after a really insatiable civil war), then the USA’s primary civil ideal in Christianity was what politically validated ‘Asians’ need to conquer. So how to destroy another civilsation’s religion, to prove their own culture isn’t inferior, but only slow to industrialise? By attacking the foundation, which is that Jesus Christ wasn’t justly persecuted by the Romans. To contest that all persecution is just, and what survives does so, born of the evil, in obvious righteousness, as is the purity of a baby boy, then by all means and intents the saviours from the West could be rationally grouped with the Invaders, and as Maoism succeeded so was the West persecuted by those it was saving. The irony is obvious, and as a twisted rendition of justice, so it became the ideal of worshipping Jesus as Christ. This very issue had already caused the largest Chinese civil war in the world, during the Opium Wars, but for China to face off with the apparent off-spring of the British as the American’s going another round of fight with Christianity, hell, rather that an invasive order which had succeeded counter to their superior ‘father’ (be it a benign confucian association of the King to his people), the juxtaposition was demanding for China to become a world-power it must be in the removal of America as the primary force.

The psychological underpinning, as stated, is reason for the still apparent disparity in common sense and reason displayed in the undertaking of international relations with north Korea, who for the best embodiment of the Orient, act as the original (dipolar) Chinese, subverted by the Japanese. For this now destroyed local power to succeed it is doubly empowering for China, who hence prove it was just bad luck that Japan decided to invade, as so whether cordial relations between some families blew out of context, and before you know the infighting spread between states; this is out of my league however, and how the dynasties caused these civil wars, unknown to me.

So anyway concerning our socialist ideals in good community, love, respect, a tolerance for difference and intolerance for injustice; the mechanism of war has been attributable to Christianity for the East Asian new breed. The Westerner of course cannot ever agree with this prescription, as Christianity embodies the sanctification of justice, where individuals aren’t persecuted unjustly, and we can share in a measure of good faith, reason and development. Leading us to the predicament where western consciousness degrades in the constant resistance of such a graceful idea by normal folk. For the Chinese to pretend they were always strong, it was unlucky that over and over again they massacred each other (I refer not the state based order, but cultural borders, in ‘asia’), that any help asked for would be received but limited to ensure the prosperity of the victim - nationstate; the concern for the classical ‘white devils’ was not just at all, as a people physically double, no often triple the size of an average asian person, the interaction would always be limited, not sustainable in community by cross-conferral, and ultimately a transactional form of relationship, in which the graceful would sooner be disgraced by a reality based of greed, and the needs of a mass-society flourishing, even though seen externally as perplexed by the state of nature (whether we consider a classical asian elite or the new breed). The subsistence endowed by bountiful trade, before authority is not necessarily agreed on between east and west, but that’s a different story. For this religious based critique we are left with the ideal descent of westerners into a poorer, seemingly backward society, in which whilst they maintain the most noble ideal, it isn’t ever welcomed, rather only the fiscal mechanism is sought, like meat on the bone. Hence is described the active motivation of pedophilia, even if counter-construing real world order. I will contest (without harbouring any such tendency personally at all!) that the pedophiles mental state is digressed from a helpful, genuine kindness, which is abused in the commercial context with historical motivations as outlined, which translates as the same mental state endowed in sexual nature like an animal trapped in a cage knowing it’s doomed. Hence this trap of one sort or another, is causing adult males to seek sex with children. This isn’t restricted to the historical scenario in Asia of course as stated, though it’s a good example, how the natural mindset maybe subverted with an unreckoned force. So whereby the sexual nature becomes corrupted, gratification with the most innocent and helpless victim, is welcomed, not rejected by ideological merits as usual. Only the most obscene state of mind will follow this course, but it frequently occurs whereby victimisation is counter construed, and the lover is dis-engendered into a betraying condition.

See more on the Real World Order at: The World Stage


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