Suicidal policy

Several Business prospective development companies have indicated little to no interest in Horoscorpio. This is OK given they have a delicate framework. However none provided feedback without being directly prompted even then only one did from half a dozen. None offered a indication that secondary consideration in the next rounds a option. None contacted me regarding development of the seed project in any way shape or form.
Of late I wrote to ilab in Brisbane having noticed their 2014 preparatory intake. I advised them that their standards were a embarrassment to me, they didn't respond, having refused my 2013 application in Brisbane. I've contacted Blue Chilli this week past and after discussion whereby being asked for a simple definition of a Orrery which can be found in the dictionary. Of their stringent Criteria; I indicated the necessity for them to review my business plan before deciding the venture not fitting, granted they hadn't responded nor planned too clearly. Within perhaps a hour after reviewing the plan they indicated 'unfortunately it doesn't meet our critera'. There was no mention of work towards achieving a meeting nor a follow up call about the details of the product regarding a criteria set, which I detailed actually as a match.
It's apparently a suicidal policy in place here which breaches governments too, evident in the foreign troop mobilization in the Ukraine this week in response to military action with the Ukraine. As America indicated they won't tolerate Russian military action the stage was set for a new world war.
It's a pity that barbarity is still so common place whereby justice can't reside in a idealized system. As egalitarian principles sacrificed for fascist complainency, security is just becoming. That of a international capitalist enterprise with players willing to kill in order to secure their family foundations. It's the big brother America to the rescue in this case, perhaps at least, not a Schizophrenic one doing his nurse.


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