The most classic lie of all time probably, which the honourable Charles Darwin told out of necessity, was that evolution proceeds via a natural selection of the fittest, noblest and most virtuoso. It's not that this is false, its true however for the determinability factorance, and a simple truth, which can be construed as a white lie. It's not a choice attributable to a specific female of course, her mind is made up since birth by her genes, she has only filled the gap of inaction warranting correct action (a position she wouldn't otherwise assume). There is no dance, with brightly coloured display from dead skin cells, which can cause so greatly a trend that is to eventuate in the sudden and rapid development of a trait, without the concerted effort of everyone of the species in their niche of capacity. To contend further in this reason; a real act which causes infinite success is entirely false by observational merit, but correct by a concurrent toleration from 99*% of...