
Showing posts from 2014


The most classic lie of all time probably, which the honourable Charles Darwin told out of necessity, was that evolution proceeds via a natural selection of the fittest, noblest and most virtuoso. It's not that this is false, its true however for the determinability factorance, and a simple truth, which can be construed as a white lie. It's not a choice attributable to a specific female of course, her mind is made up since birth by her genes, she has only filled the gap of inaction warranting correct action (a position she wouldn't otherwise assume). There is no dance, with brightly coloured display from dead skin cells, which can cause so greatly a trend that is to eventuate in the sudden and rapid development of a trait, without the concerted effort of everyone of the species in their niche of capacity. To contend further in this reason; a real act which causes infinite success is entirely false by observational merit, but correct by a concurrent toleration from 99*% of...

Social, a true meaning

Anyone whose everyone has been to school or socialised with other kids, so you'll know how it is to be a child, to/before adults. The effect is a kind of dwarfing of consciousness, which is to a extent set to physical form. What's actually transpiring is the relativity of matter in direct sequence by time, this is set in the physical form and age of two persons in proximity relationship and society-wide in fractal value. How is the conscious experience of two people relative to each other unique and accorded to the frequency of their correlative environments? If they go to school together or meet only on random occasions, expectedly the correlative conditions cause alternate reciprocal form. This matters if they share their thoughts in conversation or mere regular communion (non-verbal, visually based evaluations). More commonly and history has recorded the Watchers, a party of powerful right, merely for watching proceedings, or people; the relative appreciation of self, and o...

Ritual traditions & the sacrement in the 21st Century

Christianity was always the course of the enlightened, and starting shortly after the Word of Saint Stephen had retold the Crucifixion of Jesus and his victory in death. Christs gospels lived and became the greater course of Jews under Roman occupation, then the Romans too. Converts lining up to receive the Holy waters touch of Yoḥanan ha-mmaṭbil, had forceful knowledge of the natural worlds grace there, and not that by a cruel blade taking their head away in death. Jerusalem was different these times, a place which would succumb to the invaders as the most Enlightened spoke peaces offerings, and ignored martial practice of war. Artistic form was something that this livelihood conveyed and the Muslims learnt against their grievance, a truthful beautification of architecture. In turn omitting anything representing the living, and by purity of geometric forms alone, the Great Mosque was built where once stood King Davids Palace and Temple. Christianity was a differe...

Short discourse on the sciences and the nation

It’s well known that throughout time people have understood each other and themselves through misgivings, ill-fortune, and insanity. It’s the vain of the scientist to study the aspect of creation which is of concern, and immerse themselves in its foundation. Of late regarding that of ‘his’ concern, the subjects are of extreme accuteness, and generally when such intricate formalities are in question, as established mandate. In topics of study with universal applicability, its common that misgivings of the scientist become, cravings and finally desperation, before a vanguard, poised on the brink of revelations, and salvation, if not usually in himself, then in his subjects who in turn observe and study him. The technique of studying a man, as a subject, with objective persuasion, is the topic of this discourse. Whether it’s inevitable insanity that ensues, effecting the mind of the observer; is a matter of choice. A choice as to whether the parties pursue a goal, and how vigorously the...

Mental-Physical Order

Be it by a current or future reader, the question may become in as much about the wide-scale strategies for general affairs. As are so often addressed as massacres are more frequent at schools, and wars continue to form, as a cultural threshold is further determined. The paradigm forthrightly divulged by the Alchemy series, repeatedly returns to my mind, and a explanation for the conflicts of interest is ever-present, as even more so desired. As a single male, I’m constantly of the mind about attaining a female partner and all it entails with career, commitment, and obligations in the immediate tense in communication, appearance and demeanor. In the fourth novel, there comes to bear in the ongoing philosophical enquiry, a revelation from a particular character about the reality of a Man, and the kind of de-reality, whereby a woman doesn’t even exist. It’s a concept relating to the genome and the x/y chromosome factor, which I’ve addressed on blog prior. My ongoing question in this lig...

How credible is astrology?

Geoffrey Dean, a scientist and former astrologer based in Perth, Australia, and Ivan Kelly, a psychologist at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada; worked on a conclusive article near a decade ago which reverted to in the direst fashion, a common depreciation in the trust of society, in the validation of communion through empirical standards. Without this there can be no trust and thus value in terms as so defined, and the common agreement in understanding of quality. For several decades, these two controlled researchers who tracked more than 2,000 people – most of them born within minutes of each other. According to astrology, they made the claim, the subjects should have had very similar traits. The babies were originally recruited as part of a medical study begun in London in 1958 into how the circumstances of birth can affect future health. More than 2,000 babies born in early March that year were registered and their development monitored at regular intervals. The researchers...

Suicidal policy

Several Business prospective development companies have indicated little to no interest in Horoscorpio. This is OK given they have a delicate framework. However none provided feedback without being directly prompted even then only one did from half a dozen. None offered a indication that secondary consideration in the next rounds a option. None contacted me regarding development of the seed project in any way shape or form. Of late I wrote to ilab in Brisbane having noticed their 2014 preparatory intake. I advised them that their standards were a embarrassment to me, they didn't respond, having refused my 2013 application in Brisbane. I've contacted Blue Chilli this week past and after discussion whereby being asked for a simple definition of a Orrery which can be found in the dictionary. Of their stringent Criteria; I indicated the necessity for them to review my business plan before deciding the venture not fitting, granted they hadn't responded nor planned too clearly. ...