Religion and the Church in the End of the World

The Mayan prophesy foretold the end of the world in 2012. In 2012 the announcement was made which fulfilled the prophesy, Mars1 would be heading for Mars with the first colonization ships. The Return cycle completed, one set in force amidst the crazy upheaval and misfortune of two great nations duresses. The result today is the powerful and influential American Continent, and the legacy of the English Commonwealth.
The nature of interpretations and translations led us historically to believe the World would End, in actuality and fact the truth was so eschewed, and the matters resolved in creating a new world in the End type of World, or Dead Planet of Mars.
Much more transpired however, and the success of CERN led to the first report of the passage across the light barrier. This is potentially the more provocative fulfillment of the great ancestors of todays Quiché and Kàqchikel, those directly descendant from the ancient Maya, Aztec and Spanish Conquistadore. In Creationism we know that the human race was created from the first man, Adam, and that his Wife Eve, set in place all that we are in the Human Race. In actual fact, when two neutrinos traversed the light barrier, it was later said that it was mistake. One neutrino was recorded traveling faster than light, and then a second, after which both were said to have been incorrectly recorded. It’s ironic that today it’s said we evolved from primitive forms in the primordial soup, and that God didn’t create the world. It’s appropriate, however for that myth told in Nodic culture, that in Ragnarok, Two would survive and reform the Human Race in the New World.

What does this mean to us, and why is it the truth to both sides, and validates them both?

These truths of Anthropogeny, have a deeper eschatology in Christian doctrines. The great author Dante once wrote of a world similar to the Nordic Yggdrasil (Tree of Life/Worlds), where the timespace continuum has certain futures and pasts which are set in place at any given time. Indeed they cannot be so all the time to everyone, for the universe is not in versistasis. So Dante said in his Divine Comedy that the Arch-Angels descended down the mountain to slay the Devils who were trying to ascend into Heaven. This is about the truth of matters in causal affairs whereby Judgement is delivered, when it’s Gods power who decides ultimately, and the force of Consensus truly, and democratic election in this World. As we go about our business in our day, individuals weave the timespace continuum into existence as the present, and the analogy Dante so poetically described relates to the balance between the flight born and land born beings, and those destined to live or die, and prosper or perish, in the short and long term.

What is the secret here, to Time Travel and to Existence itself?

Those who see far, and use their foresight to the benefit of those around, and their own kind, will excel, and prosper. Those who rise to challenge the limitations and strive for ever greater good, discover what truth is and indeed hold dear the power and fortunes. Attainment of the balance is thus lifes course from birth to death, in the learning curves and divine inheritance. After all in this life, we accept that God has graced his power and vested authority into certain people and those hold it in good stead, with His divine right. The English Royal Family and the Commonwealth is as thus the greatest legacy of Gods creation, and they will continue to ensure we all prosper and the great vision foretold by first the Viking, and many to follow. For it becomes truth in the magnificent Solar Society we all are now starting to found.

The Mayan prophesy told of a Long Count, and how the World was to end early in the 21st Century. Today we see in society what was also prophesied as the time of the Beast, where everyone has a number inscribed on the back of their necks. It means that today we need our mobile telephones, or home telephones, to excel and work with the government, and these are as pivotal as the spine is to our family and in society. The Christian Doctrine is vast and ends with Armageddon, as the Priest is not a breeding person, they are celibate. As thus the end of the New Testament told about violent and destructive ends of the world, which we know now was how this world actually began. Had they the spiritual power to excel so far and ascend to the End of Time, they would have encountered the Time of Creation, for these were the great men, who gave their lives for us in God’s grace alone, nourishing the Son of God.

Today the Church is plagued by issues, and the Homosexuality and Paedophilia is a symptom of the Change that is in place. Where the Devil has taken hold of the human race, it’s the time for the second coming, and the resettlement of a End World, is the start. How and Why? It’s easy in fact, and just as Dante foretold, the traversal from life to death sets in place the evidence for the next generation, and those dying need to be venerated and revered just as much as those being born, or created. In death, ones truth is no longer sought, as the individual transcends and their form completes. It’s within their life of course that their course was set into the after-life and with those in life, but not into juvenile or childish form, rather the full glory of God. The truth is that the Word of God can no longer be told by his sons, but the truth of Eternal life has come to light.

The Rabbi (Jews) have reveled their secret doctrines in the beginning of this new Age of Aquarius we have entered. The Kabbalah (Book of the Tree of Life) reveals the nature of the Holy Spirit and the way forward into the new Solar Society is becoming ever clearer day by day. As we as a entire Race excel now in the Land of the Rising Sun, the truth of timespace and the dreamtime is becoming evident, and the nature of the Cherubim, the Seraphim, the Ophanim, the Nephalim and the Elohim. The Christian theologist needs to reenforce the new adaptations and it’s not the forte of the traditionally excepted holy Arch Angels any longer. Raphael, Gabrielle, Michael, and Uriel, led us with their good graces to the divine legacy we experience in modern society, but others have greater significance, into Aquarius, such as Metatron, the first of the Arch Angels to inform humanity that mixed religions and languages will soon be of no importance, as technology makes the unification of the entire planet possible with one language, one society and one Race.


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