
Showing posts from 2013

The Internet Gold Rash

The newest internet companies have all taken very small slices of the internet pie. It's easy to consider them as great multi-national corporations, I mean Google is even cool, but against what's capable with the internet and in society across the board, they've all been coaxed by the same mentality which affected the goldrush miners during the worlds gold rushes. If one stops to think about the progressive development of the world, technology and society, one is hit with all-powerful will to survive and against all odds. It's the funny thing of course, to mention like this, but in fact, against all odds, that the Sun bombards us with a high enough blast to disable the satellites, the Earths electro-magnetic poles reverse, the "third world" revolts against technological encumbrance, or the emancipatory potential of a Real World Order is enforced; the hurtles are so many and so great, the chances of us actually succeeding in gaining domination as a species ag...

Rainbow Bridge

NASA announced that the Rainbow Bridge, dubbed the Van Allen Belt, is a self sustaining particle accelerator this week, where light particles reach 99% the speed of light. I wrote to them regarding my concern about passing objects though this continuous stream. Building the extra-planetary Pads at the Polar Caps, would be a wise move for our Humanity.

Personal approach to the natural dilemma's

My personal approach to the problem represented in Christian theory, as a baptized Christian, is still and has always been to lay low per say, but only figuratively. The Beasts number is 666, and as representative of the holy trinity, with three digits, and of those belonging conclusively to the higher mark with the 0-9 full domain of singular sequence. That is denominations and in actuality money and finance, taking the comfortable measure is ok, but guarding and defending it utterly is not. In example think of someone toting a million dollar bank account, how to they look down on the homeless? It's with the ferocity of a beast, and they cannot carry that burden, and will not rescue the homeless person. Personally I find that holding a secure reserve always leads to trouble, and if I put all my heart and soul into what I have, clearly and apparent to everyone, nothing is at a loss. It's my ethical mindset, and I've always had difficulty getting and holding a good job, o...

Horoscorpio's approach

Typically in astrology the user knows at the position of the sun in a sign of the zodiac, and is attributed their own sign, to that position. Normally these relationships were used in social circles, like "I'm Aquarius" or "I'm a Leo". There is no definitive benefit in this approach, it's merely superficial. It is nice however, and many enjoyed this approach to astrology, for it would be like saying to someone at a party, I'm East, or I'm North, indicating the location of the people there then, and their place of birth and current home. Of course if they had moved houses things would get confusing, like then saying "I'm a true north, but now a South." Meaning they had moved from their original home which was north of there, to another which is now South. This starts getting confusing and since the entire planet is moving around another moving object, the approach was typically enjoyed for its simplicity in common sense and apprecia...

Religion and the Church in the End of the World

The Mayan prophesy foretold the end of the world in 2012. In 2012 the announcement was made which fulfilled the prophesy, Mars1 would be heading for Mars with the first colonization ships. The Return cycle completed, one set in force amidst the crazy upheaval and misfortune of two great nations duresses. The result today is the powerful and influential American Continent, and the legacy of the English Commonwealth. The nature of interpretations and translations led us historically to believe the World would End, in actuality and fact the truth was so eschewed, and the matters resolved in creating a new world in the End type of World, or Dead Planet of Mars. Much more transpired however, and the success of CERN led to the first report of the passage across the light barrier. This is potentially the more provocative fulfillment of the great ancestors of todays Quiché and Kàqchikel, those directly descendant from the ancient Maya, Aztec and Spanish Conquistadore. In Creationism we know...