
Showing posts from 2023

AI in Education an introduction on a Parliamentary submission

 Following up with the competitive stance in modern formal education, the prevailing splintered institutional standard is ratified with this proposal submitted to the "Inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system". The Inquiry doesn't appear to have published the submission within their Submissions List, as required; regardless an introduction with the article is herein: My submission (Jason Jowett) is herein, and stops shorts of blaming the winners of previous education competitions, where intelligence is rated as IQ, and unsubstantiated, rather based on snapshot positioning, which can be considered sorcery furthermore. The argument's that elite winners of educational competition, who achieve entry, and prestige, for social benefit, are actually morally corrupt examples of a covert fascist dictatorship, though this isn't directly emphasized in the submission. A hypothetical prevailing Forth Reich of course will see...